
Showing posts from May, 2021

Is Power of Purpose real?

Many may ask in a different way like, "Is there meaning or purpose in Life? Whichever way how a human being approaches the question, it reflects a Consciousness of the person that there ought to be an answer. Now billions of people have been born, lived their lives on earth and passed on. Some might have thought about the question but didn't feel there would be a definite answer. Others would have been taught by somebody else what that meaning or purpose would be, most likely from their parents, so they would continue to believe and achieve what they have been told or experienced in their upbringing. Now if we are talking about the world that we live in, it is indeed a huge planet with a long history of human civilization. There also seems to be a diverse culture of beliefs, practices and even the physical characteristics, language spoken etc. of the groups of people living in the planet differ.  You who are reading this today may or may not be sure that there is a Purpose in